gemstones properties



Amethyst - releasing stress

Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser. It relieves stress, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness. By wearing it, you become more in tune with your own feelings and get to know your inner self on a much deeper level.  It stimulates the Crown and Third Eye Chakras and helps to focus energy, still the mind, and inspire an enhanced meditative state.

Amazonite - Healing stress

Amazonite is known for its soothing powers.  It helps to calm the nervous system and brain by dispelling negative energy and allowing us to let go of anger and sadness. By flooding your heart and throat chakras with loving energy, amazonite opens you up to release that which has hurt you so you can better express yourself in every area of your life. v

Apatite - reducing irritability

Creative endeavors and passionate pursuits will feel nearly insatiable when overwhelmed by the exhilarating energy of Apatite. This stone's properties reawaken a sense of clarity that lights the path to self-expression. Working with the energy of this crystal helps you to not only recognize your ambitions, but also chase after them with a newfound vigor.

Azurite - inner wisdom

Though Azurite gets its name from the word azure, meaning blue, the energy it blesses you with will have you feeling anything but blue. Azurite is often referred to as the “Stone of the Heavens,” as it aids in the pursuit of the heavenly self. It is believed to awaken psychic abilities, helping you to recognize intuition and spiritual guidance. It calms and relieves mental stress, helping you to clear your mind and dissolve any blocked energy.

Aquamarine - Stress reliever

Use Aquamarine to ride the positive waves toward closure, major life changes and a higher consciousness. This water-like stone washes away stress and fear, leaving room for peace and tranquility in their absence. Aquamarine protects the psyche from taking on dark vibrations and negative behavioral patterns. Easy is the essence of the smooth flowing energy of aquamarine. It gently brings rejuvinatation and renewal to the mind, body and spirit.

Aventurine - Opportunity

If you’re heading to Vegas, forget about lady luck—you want aventurine by your side! Though playfully referred to as a gambler’s stone, Aventurine is helpful to everyone. Sometimes a gamble looks less like a game and more like a fork in the road; a time when you have to decide between security and risk. In connecting with the heart chakra, Aventurine graces the spirit with a sense of confidence that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary.

Agate - Balance

Agate has grounding energy. This crystal slowly but surely helps you build up your strengths and diminish your weaknesses with acceptance. With increased concentration and confidence, agate makes it easier to focus on what is good in your life, so that you can bring harmony to everything you do.

Apophyllite - stress relief

Anxiety is like a weed—if you ignore it, it will take over. Apophyllite lets you be proactive against anxiety by pinpointing its destructive qualities with the energy of calm. Get rid of overactive thoughts, repressed emotions and negative patterns by using apophyllite to redirect your attention from the mind to the body. As apophyllite cleanses the third eye and crown chakras, devote your attention to breathing in peace and exhaling negativity.

Black Tourmaline’s - security

Secure under the dome of Black Tourmaline’s protection, not even the worst energy downer can burst your bubble. Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful crystals for protection and elimination of negative energy. It helps to put an energetic boundary between you and others so you don’t pick up unwanted energies. When placed in the four corners of a room, Black Tourmaline seals the room with a protective shield that dispells low vibrational energy.

Blue Lace Agate - calming

Fear of public speaking and fear of confrontations usually go hand in hand. If a clog in your throat chakra is holding you back, use the comforting energy of Blue Lace Agate to speak your truth. Let its blue hues sooth anxiety and calm your spirit. The relaxed peace of mind that blue lace agate establishes will promote insightful, authentic and articulate dialogue. Bring in good vibrations and positivity with the heavenly energy of Blue Lace Agate.

Bronzite - protection

Hit the ground running with the grounding and energizing properties of Bronzite. This protective stone will postmark negative energy “Return to Sender,” so that bad vibes don’t make their way to you. Bronzite stimulates the chakric field so every chakra is functioning at its highest potential. If your energy is depleted and negativity is everywhere, let bronzite give you the energy to fight through and be your bronze shield against whatever comes your way.

Blood stone - grounding and protecting

Get your blood pumping with the revitalizing energy of Bloodstone. Like a coach, the Bloodstone meaning fills you with a surge of courage, self-esteem, energy and protection so that you can enjoy living in the now. It is a stone of both physical and creative movement, and stimulates the root chakra helping to get the energy flowing in your mind, body and spirit. With the pure, upbeat energy of this crystal, you’ll make the most out of every moment.

Carnelian - creativity & confident

The stone of motivation, endurance, leadership, and courage. It is powerful to those who wish to build their confidence, courage, passion and power. Promotes the willingness to take risks necessary to move forward with strong action. It motivates the sacral chakra to stimulate your inner star. With carnelian close, you'll be sure to impress others with your charm and vitality.

Citrine - Success

Powered by the sun, citrine is a warm and bright stone that radiates positivity and joy.  It is known to activate and energize the Solar Plexus Chakra, the place where physical energy is distributed. Citrine is one of few stones that, rather than absorbing negative energy, clears it. It makes room for happiness and light so the spirit is open to positive possibilities.

Clear Quartz - master healer

Clear Quartz maybe is a rockstar among crystals, but it’s no diva—it shares its spotlight. For those whose spirit needs illumination, clear quartz brings clarity to shadows within the mind. A universal healer, it links to all chakras to provide balance and harmony. Its ability to be programed for manifestation is unlike any other crystal. By elevating thoughts and perspective, clear quartz will help manifest your intentions like never before.

Coral - courage

The colour of coral is salmon pink, orange, or red and often includes black and/or white veins.  Basically it protects against negative energy at the same time as preventing loss of energy. It is helpful to menopausal women and can be used to prevent osteoporosis. Coral also promotes the growth and formation of new tissue of every kind and it is beneficial in the treatment of blood and circulation disorders. Psychologically it strengthens love and the need for partnership and makes the wearer immune to envy and resentment. Coral symbolizes joy and happiness and enables the wearer to enjoy life.  According to legend it consists of divine blood.

Chrysocolla - peace

If you are constantly looking toward the horizon, Chrysocolla is the energy your free spirit needs, to stop dreaming about adventure and actually start one. Inspired by the energy of willpower, creativity, confidence and tranquility, you will feel motivated to transform your future ambitions into present realities. Use chrysocolla to commence a new beginning, and be on your way to happily ever after. It's also a great tool for spiritual transformation.

Chrysoprase - truth

Can’t handle the truth? End the pattern of denial and confront truths with the energy of Chrysoprase. Through a mix of compassion, forgiveness, increased conflict resolution capability and the abandonment of petty judgements, the properties of this crystal will create a mindset ready to take on any harsh truth. The kindness and love that chrysoprase imbue your heart and sacral chakras with will give you a more optimistic and insightful point of view.

Copper - energy

The healing properties of copper include alleviating menstrual cramps and promoting the smooth functioning of the glands. It can also prevent wear and tear and calcification of the joints.  Psychologically it encourages a positive attitude and self-confidence. Copper promotes decision making, aesthetic appreciation, and brings harmony and love for all beings.

Emerald - unconditional love

The colour of emerald varies in depths of green. Its healing properties help with sinusitis, headaches, epilepsy, and diseases of the eyes, heart and intestine. It promotes mental growth, farsightedness and perceptiveness and aids in the management of misfortunes. It also promotes harmony and justice; recuperation and regeneration. Emerald symbolizes hope and development. It stands for maturity and was a stone of divine intuition for the Greeks.

Epidote - back to earth

It strengthens the body’s condition and immune system and decreases physical weakness.  It is therefore useful in the treatment of almost all illnesses.  It also stimulates digestion and metabolism and is good for recuperating after over-exertion or illness.  It encourages patience, develops the psyche and gives optimism and self-confidence.  It also helps the wearer dissipate anxiety, self-pity and grief, and realize one’s idea of happiness and fulfillment.

Fluorite - Solves Issues

Embrace the energy of fluorite, and flow right into those sweet dreams. Let fluorite guide you from a state of anxiety to one of tranquility by cleansing both your mind and environment. This is an absorbent crystal that will neutralize all of the negativity around it. Its rainbow hues spiritually cleanse you and fill you with peace, joy and happiness. Sleeping near or meditating with fluorite ensures mental clarity, and harmony between chakras.

Garnet - Vitality

It clears any energy blockages within the body that are preventing you from living fully. Seize the day and all of your potential with help of this stone for enhancing health, passion and pleasure. It enhances charisma and magnifies the vibration of the lower chakras, to ground one's dreams into reality.

Gold stone - ambition

To ensure a golden future, embrace the protective energy of Goldstone. Goldstone is made from quartz and sand glass, and infused with copper particles to give it its shimmery appearance. The sparkles of Goldstone are symbolic of light that can always be found in the darkness. It reminds you of your own inner light and your ability to shine. It also deflects unwanted energies and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protective mineral.

Hematite - Confidence

It’s a crystal that will dissolve the imbalances and negativities in your life and allow you to enjoy a more balanced energy. Hematoid Quartz will also help you find simple but effective ways to solve your problems. It’s an ideal stone for those who deal with complex subjects and technical matters on a regular basis. It will also enhance your willpower and boost your self- esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.

Iolite - Self Discovery

With this indigo stone, you’ll discover inner knowledge and uncover long forgotten parts of yourself. It’s a stone to make peace with your past, move beyond old wounds, and be comfortable with your true self. Offering guidance, Iolite provides you with the visions and spiritual insight that you need in order to grow. Use Iolite to take a journey deep within. Iolite is a stone of the Third-Eye Chakra, and to a lesser extent, the Crown Chakra. Iolite is very spiritually-oriented and can bring visions when placed on the Third-Eye.

Kunzite - Heart Healer

This stone is a conduit from one's heart to the vibration of Divine Love. Meditating with Kunzite can facilitate profound experiences of the heart to be more receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love.

Lapis Lazuli - self awareness

It provides objectivity, clarity, and mental endurance during times of realizing emotions. It also helps with creativity, organization, and depression. Full of the wisdom and awareness that this stone brings, your soul will be ready to embark on a journey of awakening. Strive toward enlightenment as you pursue your true destiny, and leave pettiness and stress behind. This is a powerful stone for broadening your understanding, and should be used especially by those having issues with self-expression and self-awareness.

Labradorite - transformation

With the mystical energy of labradorite, sparks of neon will illuminate the path to your destiny. Labradorite is a stone of magic and curiosity. Wearing or holding Labradorite helps you tap into a higher state of consciousness. It’s a protective stone as well, so it will keep your energy body grounded, while allowing you to explore the expanded states of the universe. By connecting to and healing all chakras, it boosts mental and spiritual power.

Leopard Skin Jasper -

Sometimes we get hurt, and no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to move past it. Leopard Skin Jasper surrounds you with self-healing energy to help you to lick those wounds away, and get back to your most powerful self. Through supplying ground energy to your base and root chakras, this crystal will take you out of your head and clear the insecurity and fears that reside there. Instead, get realigned with your simplest, most important goals.

Lepidolite - transition

A stone of transition, it assists in the release and reorganisation of old behavioural and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. It dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.

Lava Stone - Fire

Calms emotions, has intense healing powers. Lava can be used to develop stronger ties to earth. Stabilizes the root chakra,

Moss Agate - encourage tranquility

A gemstone known for a symbol of richness and prosperity, that can stimulate your creativity and support you make a progress in life. It can make people's mind strong and give courage to them. It is a stone of incredible healing power, so it speeds up recovery from illness. It is anti-inflammatory, cleanses the circulatory and elimination systems, and boosts the immune system.

Mookaite - Accepting change

Embrace your wanderlust and let Mookaite be your spiritual compass, pointing you in the direction of adventure. Awaken your true potential with the energy of this stone, and pursue the passions you’ve put on hold. The willpower that mookaite stimulates in your solar plexus and root chakras will rouse in you a desire to explore new activities. Its exciting, yet comforting energy makes for a great travel companion for those on a solo journey.

Malachite - transformation

Tough love from a tough crystal, Malachite is the friend you go to when you need unfiltered relationship advice. If something always seems to go wrong in your relationships, Malachite can cleanse the chakras and bring you to a realization about what’s not working. It’s one of the most powerful transformational crystals for the heart. It provides emotional balance that encourages you to take the action to remove negative patterns and transform. It creates an unobstructed path leading to a desired goal and helps one accept responsibility for actions and circumstances.

Moon stone - balancing

Moonstone crystal represents tenderness, and is believed to bring lovers closer together. It helps with the changing of one’s life emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and helps to recognize “ups and downs.” It helps you unlock the energy of the Moon that resides within you to keep you in a more balanced state. Moonstone acts as a guide to help you do what’s necessary to become more balanced, healthy and in sync. Moonstone is the light in the darkness.

Obsidian - new horizon

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most self-aware of them all? With black obsidian in hand, it’s probably you. Facing the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of ourselves is hard, but obsidian makes it easier. It forces you to accept your true self entirely. Working with black obsidian will assist you in cutting the stress and negative patterns from your life by first bringing them to your attention, then absorbing that toxic energy.

Ocean Jasper - uplifting

Bring in the tide of high vibes with Ocean Jasper. Detox from the stress of life and allow the energy of ocean jasper to assuage your overburdened mind with positivity. Its energy helps you return to a natural state of joy. Embrace and enjoy your journey with other humans, and let happiness be the current you flow to. When difficulties arise, ocean jasper will help your to avoid a crash by lending you the insight to peacefully navigate around them.

Onyx - Inner Strength

Onyx fortifys your decision making capabilities, onyx encourages you to stop concentrating on the potential to fall, and instead look forward at the bright future ahead of you. It gives you the balance, confidence, protection, calms anxiety and sooths any fear or doubt. It is associated with the root chakra.

Peridot - motivating change

Skip being green with envy, and use the energy of Peridot to become green with abundance. Resentment doesn’t look good on anybody. Peridot, a stone of light, helps you to ditch toxic emotions of jealousy, spite and stress, and replace them with insight, confidence and a radiant sense of purpose. The beauty of this energy will shine through you, as it washes you with powerful cleansing properties that will leave you with a lighter, more pure essence.

Picture Jasper - healing

Understand the bigger picture more clearly with the help of Picture Jasper. Its deep connection to the earth has a profoundly grounding effect. As this crystal nurtures and balances your emotions, it grounds your base and root chakras with its earthly energy. This provides you with the calm wisdom to dispel fears, alleviate stress and anxiety, and reflect on situations with wisdom. Its Earth energy also reminds us to live in balance and harmony with nature.

Pyrite - Power & Motivation

Pyrite is a metaphysical treasure. In addition to attracting wealth and abundance, it’s believed to hold a strong protective energy. It has the ability to bring you out of your shell and use your talents to manifest abundance in your life.

Pearl - purity

Although they belong to the marine animal kingdom they are commonly considered precious stones.  They are used to stabilize the production of hormones, alleviate headaches and migraines and reduce allergies.  Psychologically, pearls promote wisdom and contentment well into old age. A pearl necklace is believed to warn sensitive people of imminent disaster.

Phosphosiderite - Heart Work

Phosphosiderite powerfully opens and activates the heart chakra, but its energy is different from that of other well-known heart healers, such as rose quartz and rhodonite. Its vibration is more attuned to the magic of the Higher Realms – and it’s also a powerful tool for past life connection. When used in meditation, phosphosiderite will reveal to you the accumulated knowledge of your past lives, so that you may better understand who you are and why you were placed upon this earth.

Red jasper - Endurance

Red Jasper almost seems to hug you with its comforting essence. Jasper’s grounding energy is the support you can lean on when stress is tearing you down. Its healing properties bring stability to your body and spirit by balancing the root chakra. As a supreme nurturer, jasper soothes the mind of anxiety so that it can focus on other things. Jasper’s encouragement helps you to take on new pursuits, deal with conflicts and approach problems with creative solutions.

Rudraksha seeds - Healing properties

A source of good luck, good health, prosperity, medical values, success, financial gains and for eradication of evil forces. Symbolize the link between the earth and the heaven.

Rosewood - Protective qualities

Associated with the heart chakra. Helps clearing negative energy. It helps to accent the innate qualities of compassion and love within an individual. Intuitive health is also given a boost.

Rhodochrosite - lifting depression

The self-love stone, Rhodochrosite will combat feelings of inadequacy with a "treat yourself" mentality of self-worth. You deserve the love you receive, and Rhodochrosite energy helps you to accept that by filling you up with love and joy for yourself. This stone of empowerment will be your cheerleader, infusing your heart chakra with the courage and positivity to take on new challenges. Let unconditional love overpower any feelings of negativity.

Rhodonite - compassion

Keep calm and carry on is the message that rhodonite inspires within the heart chakra. When stirring feelings are causing waves of turmoil in your spiritual body, tame the emotional seas with rhodonite’s love, grounding and insight. The rhodonite meaning opens and expands your heart to infinite possibilities. Discover new passions, attract a more fulfilling kind of love and boost humanitarian efforts with the help of this crystal for calm connectedness.

Rhyolite - change

If thoughts about your past are haunting your present, use Rhyolite to tap into your inner zen and stop thinking about “back then.” The self-esteem boosting energy of this crystal helps foster acceptance and emotional release. With a profound wisdom, you can see the past through a new lens, and take the lessons you learn to create positive changes for your future. Rhyolite warmth fills you with self-love, joy and hope. With Rhyolite, everything's gonna be alright.

Rose quartz - Unconditional LOVE

This stone will open up your heart chakra to every kind of love that you need—whether it’s self-love, familial love, friendship love, love for humanity or romantic love. As a flush of compassion, happiness, forgiveness and peace pulses through you, rose quartz will assist you in releasing toxic emotions so your spirit can finally be free of petty negativity. It is the stone of gentle love and brings peace to relationships.

Sandalwood - Calming and meditative qualities

Its incense fragrance stimulates the seventh Chakra, which improves trust and self-identity. It also promotes enthusiasm, increases energy, zest for life and self-esteem. To increase beneficial properties of Sandalwood, burn its incense during full moons.

Selenite - spiritual

The pure, high vibrational energy of Selenite is like liquid light. As it flows through your space, it brightens the energy of everyone and everything within it. Selenite has the ability to cleanse, purify and align you with your highest potential. Low vibrational energies attract negativity on the same level. Raising your vibration is essential to keeping feelings of grief, fear, anger and anxiety out of your mental and physical space.

Serpentine - wisdom

If an inability to get a handle on your hormones has you reminiscing about your teenage years in all the wrong ways, use Serpentine to bring back the balance. Serpentine helps to clear out and release the dense areas of the chakras so that healing can occur. Serpentine serves as a gentle reminder that your life is what you create it to be. Use it to attract and manifest anything you want in life, whether that's abundance, prosperity, love or emotional healing!

Sodalite - emotional balance

The way Sodalite grounds you with energies like self-esteem, acceptance and trust will have you begging to get grounded. This harmony-inducing stone reestablishes the connection between the higher mind and the body, releasing the fears and tensions held in both. Use sodalite’s encouraging energy to strengthen bonds with others and bring balance into every area of your life. It's also a powerful stone for intuition and tapping into your sixth sense.

Sunstone - Self Esteem

It promotes energy, vitality, and creativity. Its effervescent energy reminds you of the joy that creating is meant to inspire, feel pleasure in life, find you are flexible and can "go with the flow" and do so in good spirit. Sunstone nourishes the sacral and solar plexus chakras to breed confidence, power and leadership. It brings leadership quality to its wearer.

Shungite - relieve emotional stress

Touted as the Miracle Stone of the 21st Century, shungite has been around for an estimated 2 billion years, but it wasn’t until the 1996 Nobel Prize-winning research that discovered antioxidant fullerenes within the stone that people began to wake up to shungite’s healing potential. It is now the go-to stone for electromagnetic field (EMF) protection, purification and detoxification of the body, as well as general healing and emotional well being.

Smoky Quartz - Grounding

Smoky Quartz helps you to overcome negative emotions such as stress, fear, anger, jealousy, and even feelings of depression. Elevate your mood with this stone that helps you remain balanced in any situation.

Tigers Eye - will power

Tiger eye is a protective stone believed to bring wisdom, clarity of thought, and protection to the wearer. As a stone of balance, it will allow you to find harmony in disagreements and common ground in confrontation.

Tourmaline - releases tension

The pillars of tourmaline embedded within Tourmalinated Quartz remind us that we all have pillars of strength within us that we can lean on when we feel weak. With the clarity and energy amplification of quartz, and the protection of tourmaline, you’ll feel a resurge of energy that will encourage you to conquer your self-sabotaging behaviours and thoughts. This stone is all about recognizing the power you have to solve or deal with any problem in your life.

Tree Agate - inner peace

Establish strong spiritual roots with Tree Agate, and wavering emotions will never be enough to tear you down. Those looking for stability and nurturing protection will find solace in the gentle, but sturdy security of tree agate. Tune into the energy of Earth’s ancient trees with this crystal for perseverance, and you’ll learn how to weather any storm. The abundance that this crystal attracts will also bring new opportunities your way.

Turquoise - detox

Said by Native American cultures to be the bridge between heaven and Earth, Turquoise connects the mind to the infinite possibilities of the Universe. As a throat Chakra stone, turquoise helps to foster honest and open communication. Turquoise strengthens the entire mind and body, heals the spirit with soothing energy and provides peace-of-mind. It holds both spiritual and protective properties, and balances the male and female aspects of one’s character.


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